Under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) The Centre on Friday allocated Rs 20,000 crore for fishermen. This is to help rejuvenate India's economy. The government will launch the PMMSY for "integrated, sustainable, inclusive development of marine and inland fisheries", said the Finance Ministry. Out of these Rs. 20,000 crore as much as Rs 11,000 crore will be used for activities in marine, inland fisheries and aquaculture and the rest of Rs 9,000 cr is for creating infrastructure ie. fishing harbours, markets, cold chains. This will benefit some key activities such as cage-cutter, seaweed farming, ornamental fisheries, as well as new fishing vessels and their traceability, the government believes this ramping up of the infrastructure will help in additional fish production of 70 lakh tonne over the next five years. Insurance of fishermen and their boats are also considered. Moreover, these efforts will lead to employment generation of as much as 55 lakh individ...