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Science Behind Biofloc Technology

We need to understand little bit of science behind Biofloc system in order to understand it better and to avoid few common mistakes in production (ie ammonia). Don’t worry if you don’t get every think, you will get the general idea.
Biofloc technology focus on efficient use of nutrient input with limited or zero water exchange.
The main principle of BFT is to recycle nutrient by maintaining a high carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio in the water in order to stimulate heterotrophic bacterial growth that converts ammonia into microbial biomass (Avnimelech 1999).
The microbial biomass will further aggregate with other microorganisms and particles suspended in the water forming what has been called “biofloc”,
which eventually can be consumed in situ by the cultured animals or harvested and processed as a feed ingredient (Avnimelech 1999Avnimelech 2007Crab et al. 2007De Schryver et al. 2008Kuhn et al. 2008Kuhn et al. 2009Kuhn et al. 2010).
With this principle, Biofloc technology has been applied both at commercial scale for various aquaculture species such as tilapia (Avnimelech 2007Azim & Little 2008Crab et al. 2009), shrimp (Burford et al. 2004Hari et al. 2004Taw 2010), sturgeon and snook (Serfling 2006).

Biofloc In Indian jugaad term
Storage of water in the tank without exchange so that it grow Bactria which shrimps and fish can eat to gain weight

Indian style Biofloc setup
